2. Power & Setup

Power and connectivity for your SoundBed will require your OPUS power cord, a power outlet, wifi connectivity, your smartphone, and access to the App Store.

Your OPUS Accessories

Start by unpacking a few accessories located in your cardboard packing prisms – your OPUS Head Pillow is located in the front left prism, and your OPUS Power Cord is located in the front right prism.

Power Your SoundBed

  1. Open our OPUS power cord which is shipped inside its own box inside of the front right packing prism.

  1. To plug your SoundBed in, locate the SoundBed’s power port inside of the foot prism, where you will lay your feet. It can be indicated by checking for the male end of your SoundBed’s storage button.

  1. Press the button on the face of the Foot Prism which opens the Foot Prism Storage Compartment.

  1. Plug the OPUS power cable into the three-pronged power port in the bottom left of the compartment. Close the compartment and make sure the latch is lined up with the chord slot.

  1. Plug power cable into the wall outlet.

Attach Your Headphones

  1. Your phone port is located inside the Head Prism Storage Compartment, which can be identified by finding the female end of your SoundBed’s storage button. Press the button on the storage compartment to release the latch.

  1. Plug your corded headphones into the SoundBed Headphone Port. Close the compartment so that the cord is in the cord slot.

Place Your OPUS Head Pillow

Your OPU S Head Pillow is made to be luxurious and restful. After you’ve connected your headphones, place the head pillow squarely on the Head Prism, where your head will lay.

Download OPUS Connect

  1. First, open your phone and ensure that your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are enabled on your cell phone.

  1. Download the OPUS Connect app via TestFlight.

OPUS Connect Setup Instructions

  1. Open the OPUS Connect app on your phone.

  2. Start by making your OPUS Profile – type in your name, your Email, and make a password | Sign-in!

  3. Wait for confirmation …

  4. Congrats! Welcome to OPUS Connect!

  1. Click “Calibrate SoundBed” and allow your phone to “Locate” your SoundBed.

  1. Select the available SoundBed near you. It will show a green light when connected.

  1. You have the option to name your SoundBed and claim ownership.

  1. Select how your SoundBed will be used.

  1. Select and connect to your local WiFi router, enter your password, and establish stability with your SoundBed’s connection.

You’re Connected!

Next we’ll walk you through calibrating your product to your preferences, and explain how to navigate the OPUS Connect lobby.

If you need help please reach out to help.feelopus.com.

Click Here For: Setup Guide PT.3 | Your Profile & OPUS Connect

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